Tuesday, January 13, 2009

FI G/L Account Master Record Entry Screen Layout

You can group G/L account master records by functional area. For example, you can group all bank accounts, postal giro accounts, and cash in the account group FIN. for "liquid funds". The master records within a functional area require the same fields for storing information when entering and processing business transactions.

Using the account group, you specify the fields that are relevant for a group of master records. To preclude the need to give every field a status, fields are combined into groups. The field group Interest calculation, for example, lets you set the status of the fields Interest calculation indicator, Interest cycle, and Last interest calculation key date.

You can assign one of the four following field statuses to all the fields in a field group:

  • Field requires an entry (required field)
  • Field permits an entry (optional field)
  • Field contents are displayed only (display field).

This status should not be used since the fields that are displayed should be ready for input when you create a master record.

  • Field is suppressed

You set the field status by clicking on the required field status for each field group. If you do not maintain the field status, the system uses the default status "suppressed".

You cannot set the field status for the fields currency key and field status group. These fields must be contained in the master record of the G/L account. The field status group in the master record is required for layout of the screens needed for posting to the account.

The screen layout definitions have an effect not only when creating but also when changing a master record. When you make changes, the system always uses the current definition.

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