Saturday, January 10, 2009

Data in the Company Code FI General Ledger

The area of the G/L account master record contained in the chart of accounts is described in the chart of accounts. The following only deals with the area of the master record created in the company codes.

The company code area of the G/L account master record contains the information on a master record that differs from company code to company code. This information controls the entry of accounting documents and the management of accounting data.

You use one chart of accounts for company codes in Germany, Italy, and Austria. You then set the master records in this chart of accounts specifically for the different company codes: you manage the accounts in Germany in German marks, in Italy in Italian lira, and in Austria in Austrian shillings.

For more information on topics discussed in this section, please refer to:

G/L Account Master Data in the Company Code

Account Management: G/L Account Master Data

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