Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Line Layout of Document Information in SAP FICO

In processing open items, you can choose from several variants for the line layout.

If you choose the variant Document number, the most important data from the document header, such as document number and document date, is displayed as well as the days in arrears, the amount and the cash discount as shown in the following figure. If you choose the variant Reference number, the external document number is displayed instead of the document type and the document date.

The above-mentioned variants are predefined in the standard system. You can change them or create your own.

The line layout determines what information is displayed in open item processing (see example). You can assign a line layout variant to every user via their master record. As a result, the information necessary for this person's task is displayed directly when the open items are being processed. The line variant does not have to be changed.

Information on dunning eligibility can be important for an accounts receivable accountant. You should therefore, via the master record, assign him/her a variant which contains this information.

In other words, you can use the variants to prepare information on the open items tailored to the tasks of your accounting clerks.

Defining a Line Layout

To define your own line layout variants, you have to:

  • Specify the fields, the sequence in which they appear, and their display format (see 1 in the figure below). You can use the display format to determine the output length of a field (offset). This can be useful if, say, you do not use ten-digit document numbers and want to suppress the initial zeros in the display. Furthermore, you determine the distance between a field and the previous field (see 2 in the figure below).
  • Enter a name for your variant (see 3 below) and the column headings for the fields (see 4 below).
  • Translate the name and the column headings if the variants are required in a foreign language.

The figure below shows how the Document number line layout was defined. The fields were specified in the sequence required for the line layout (see 1). The display length for the Document type field is 2; the distance between it and the previous field is 1. The output of the Document type field was not shortened (see 2). The system makes all the other display format settings. The column heading is displayed in the open item display in the same way it was specified in the definition (see 4 below).

Standard Default for the Line Layout

For every clearing function in the system, you can determine what variant should be used for the line layout when the function is called up. You can use a different variant for every account type. This default value takes effect if no variant is specified in the user master record.

Grace Days and Proposal for Cash Discount Terms

For processing open items, you can set up two further defaults depending on agreements with your business partners. These include:

  • Grace days

For each customer, you can specify that grace days be granted for the due dates of the terms of payment in the document. These days are taken into account when the due date is calculated for an incoming payment. You can use grace days to include bank transfer days in the calculation of payment periods, for example. This makes processing open items much simpler.

  • Cash discount terms for display

You can choose what cash discount terms should be displayed with cash discount information for the clearing procedure. Normally, you will want to display this information with the current cash discount terms. This is the default setting for the functions. You can change the cash discount terms in the display at any time. If you do not want to display the cash discount information with the current cash discount terms, but always with the same particular cash discount terms, you should specify this in the system.

  • Tolerances for payment advice notes

If the amount to be found for an open item deviates from the amount to be paid that is stated on the payment advice note, you can decide for specific payment differences whether a residual item should be set up automatically. You then specify the absolute or percentage deviation that must be reached or exceeded before a residual item is created automatically.

For further information on how to define and change line layout variants, see the FI Document Posting manual.

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